Is clutter taking over your life? This could be physically, mentally, or maybe even both. This post is here to help you learn how to declutter your life, one step at a time.
Clutter is something that we all experience at one time or another. Even the cleanest, tidiest people have had some sort of experience with clutter.
We tend to think about physical clutter when someone mentions this word, however, there is always the clutter in our minds to consider. If only we could file away our anxious thoughts and deep concerns in a special folder that would allow us to move on, and stay positive.
The idea of decluttering can seem overwhelming at first, however, it can be so freeing afterwards. This makes it beyond worth it to go through the difficult steps to get there.
After a stressful couple of weeks, I had the idea of creating a declutter series on the blog. It will be split into three parts: declutter your life, mind and home. I am excited to start this series today with a post totally dedicated to how to declutter your life.
1. Ditch Being a Perfectionist
Minus adding a nice touch to your job interviews by using it as a back-handed compliment to being your worst quality, being a perfectionist is not considered a positive trait. It is one thing to want to do the very best that you can, we all should desire that.
However, if you’re driving yourself crazy trying to get something done and simply can’t because you want it to be “perfect,” then it isn’t serving you well. It ultimately holds you back from accomplishing what you need to do, and likely in the timeframe it needs to be completed.
Friendly Reminder: You don’t have to be perfect, nor does your work.
We tend to be our worst critics. While that can be motivating in some ways, it can be extremely detrimental to our welfare. We are all human and mistakes are inevitable – we all make them. Cut yourself some slack and just keep doing your very best – that is more than good enough.
2. Stop Apologizing For Living Your (Best) Life
Each of us have had moments where we want to see others approve of our choices because we want them to be happy. Sometimes, that happens at the expense of our own happiness (read more in-depth about this here!). Have you ever decided not to do something that you were really excited about because someone you love didn’t want you to?
Maybe it was your parents who didn’t want you to go to the college that’s really far away. It could be a boyfriend who wants to spend a lot of time with you, so you didn’t take that job promotion. Whatever it be, it can be easy to get caught up in what others think about our choices.
It’s important to remember that you should always do what’s best for you, and that isn’t selfish.
Friendly Reminder: It’s okay to do what’s best for you, even if someone else doesn’t like it.
Many times, it is when we begin wanting to set and achieve new goals to become better versions of ourselves, that others tend to disapprove (as crazy as that sounds!).
When we are growing, sometimes we outgrow others along the way. While this is a hard concept, it is an essential step in regards to how to declutter your life. They may be not be at the same place that you are at in your life, and that’s okay. You don’t need to stay in their lane just because it makes them happy.
3. Prioritize Properly
There are things that are important to us, but sometimes fall by the wayside for various reasons. That’s why it is important to prioritize these items properly (more on that here!), so you can be sure they are getting the appropriate attention they deserve.
Prioritizing is essential in all parts of our life, including relationships, work, goals, errands, housework, etc.
At work, you generally have things that you know need to be completed and the sort of timeframe you have to get those items completed. The same should go for all of the other areas of your life.
Friendly Reminder: Take time each week to write down what’s important to you and what you would like to accomplish, then schedule those items so that you’re giving your full attention to them.
Relationships should always be prioritized the highest, in my opinion. There are people you love that are going through difficult times, so reach out to them and let them know that you are there for them.
As for other areas, such as your goals, make those a priority. We have all had moments where we realize just how short life is – so make time for your goals that you can see them through.
4. Start Planning
Speaking of priorities, planning is essential to keeping those tasks in the forefront of your mind and daily schedule. Many of us have busy lives and that can sometimes lead to chaos when we have a million places to be or our to-do lists are never-ending.
That’s why planning is such an important part in decluttering your life! You don’t have to be over-the-top as you’ve seen some people, who have every single detailed planned out, but just spending as little as an hour with your planner at the beginning of the week can be life changing.
Friendly Reminder: Make a date with your favorite planner (or here’s an excuse to buy one!) and schedule time for each of your priorities.
This task may seem overwhelming, but it is so beneficial and gets easier when you make it a habit. All of your priorities have a place in your planner (check out more info here!).
If it’s someone that you would like to check on, then be sure to note that in your planner so you don’t forget. If it’s a goal that you would like to accomplish, write it down in your planner and be super specific about what you want to get done in a particular time frame.
5. Create Healthy Habits
This post would not be complete without mentioning creating healthy habits. The roadmap to creating a life you love is one that includes creating new habits that will help you grow.
For example, if one of your goals is to live a healthier lifestyle, drinking (8) 8 oz. glasses of water daily would be an excellent habit to adopt. There will be habits that are specific to your goals, and then there are habits that we could all adopt that would make us happier and healthier.
Friendly Reminder: The foundation to reaching your goals is the creation of healthy habits that help you succeed.
Back to the healthier lifestyle example, eating fast food three times per week would probably not help you accomplish that goal, right? That would be like putting a road block in the middle of your pathway to your goal. We tend to get in our own way. Try to create habits that will help you get closer to your goals each day and creating a life you love!
I hope that this post has helped you learn how to declutter your life. We often have so much going on in our lives, much of which we cannot control. Let’s take on what we can control today, and start living the life that we’ve always imagined!
Update (3/2/2020): Giving this post a little boost today. 🙂 I’ll have a fresh, new post next Monday! I hope you guys have a fantastic day and week ahead!
Let’s Chat!
Do you feel like your life is cluttered at times?
Do you have any tips for decluttering?
What’s one healthy habit you would like to create next month?
These are all great tips!! Need to do this!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thanks so much, Jennifer! 🙂
Your blog is beautiful! I especially love the name. #2 above is such a great reminder. We have to remember how important our own life is!
Thank you so much for your kind words, Laurie! Absolutely, it’s hard to remember at times, but we have to take care of ourselves to be able to take care of others.
Nice tips about decluttering the life. Best one is staying healthy and fit. I want to add a point “Mindfulness” to declutter the mind and declutter the life.
Thanks Ashley!
Hi, Rashmi! Thank you so much, I agree that staying healthy and fit is so helpful for keeping our life more happy and peaceful. 🙂
Great list. Prioritizing properly is certainly something I need to work on. I tend to want to be do everything – not happening and not helping :).
Thank you so much! I can totally relate, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and try to tackle everything all at once.
Such great tips! I need all the help with decluttering, I’ve got so much to get rid of! xo
Makeup Muddle
Thanks, Gemma! Same here! 🙂
I love this post because you make it so simple! I think we sometimes get too overwhelmed but if we just take a step back and write everything down, then it makes the process much easier!
Thank you so much, Mariann! That’s truly my goal and I’m so happy you loved it! 🙂
Great Tips! Being organized makes me so happy 🙂
Thank you so much, Patty! I feel the same way! 🙂
Nice tips, dear. It´s so important to feel fine!
Mónica Sors
Thanks so much, Monica!
These are such great suggestions for moving forward and getting organized! Not worrying about what others think is a big one.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Absolutely, it’s a difficult things to do at times, but well worth it.
I love these tips! These are all great and really help to obtain a more focused and positive life. I am working on getting healthier and adding working out to my routine.
Hi, Christine! Thank you so much. Those are both wonderful things to work on, and I’m doing the very same right now! 🙂
This is such a great post with fabulous tips! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for reading, Laura! I appreciate you!
Great post. I love the friendly reminders. Also, I love writing in my planner and ticking things off!
Thank you so much! I do as well, Jeanne, it really helps motivate me to get things done! 🙂
Love this! I can’t function without being decluttered but it’s so hard to keep the habits especially with three boys including a TODDLER!
Oh, I can’t imagine, Ariane! I’m only a cat mom. 🙂 I’m sure they keep you on your toes, but I have no doubt that you’re doing amazing!
Such great tips here.
Having a planning for my blog and keep working ou every week days are the ones which help me everyday to not feel too overwhelmed
Thanks for sharing all your amazing tips.
Thank you, Margot! That helps me so much, as well! There is so much that goes into keeping your blog on track, so planning is super helpful.
Awesome tips hun, since moving I have made sure we stay clutter free.
That’s awesome, Lovely! Also, incredibly hard to do as moving can be so chaotic. You go, girl! 🙂
Great tips here, I HATE clutter, thanks for posting!
Allie of
Thanks so much, Allie! Me too, it makes me feel all over the place.
such a thoughtful post! I really need this to declutter my life this year. thank you for sharing xx
have a fab day!
Aww, thank you, Grace! 🙂 You’ve got this!
Great tips! I definitely think making a plan is a huge step.
S | Je M’appelle Chanel
Thank you, Chanel! 🙂 Absolutely, it does make a big difference!
I am trying to declutter later but I do find it harder. Mostly because I am in a relationship with someone who doesn’t mind clutter and just keeps adding to it haha.
Haha, that does make things a little more difficult! I hope your partner will adopt your decluttering-ways over time and will help you keep things tidy!
I reaaaaally need to do it!
You’ve got this, friend! Take it one day at a time, and you’ll get there. 🙂
These are such a great tips and I completely agree with you. Thank you for sharing.
New Post – https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/03/la-prairie-cellular-treatment_5.html
Thank you so much for reading, friend! 🙂
When I think of decluttering, I always tend to think about stuff I’ve accumulated. These are great tips for decluttering your life – ditching being a perfectionist is a big one for me!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! 🙂 That’s a big one for me, too!
Such amazing tips! I think it’s so true that you need to defo start with healthy habits. I try to track my habits in my journal and so far, it’s been really helpful!
with love,
Bash | http://www.heybash.com/
That’s awesome! I’ve recently started habit tracking and I love it, it’s so helpful to keep me on track.
I absolutely love your tips dear, especially number 5. Indeed, it starts within.
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Aww, thank you so much Jessica!!
these are great tips girl thank you so much for sharing I really enjoyed reading.
Thank you so much, Melody!! I truly appreciate it!
We need to understand that we make the decisions and we should live life to the fullest in a positive way.
So true, Melody! 🙂
Thank you for a most wonderful post on your beautiful blog.
These are such great steps to think about and get reminded of from time to time.
I am bad in prioritizing and sometimes can lose focus on the right track and path.
Luckily I realized that and can focus on it better now.
Thank . you!
That’s wonderful, Nat! We all struggle with prioritizing, I’m right there with you. Thanks so much for reading! 🙂
The 3rd point is so important 🙂
Thank you, Kinga! 🙂
This is wonderful. Decluttering your life is so necessary for a healthy lifestyle and most importantly for you.
Absolutely, Radi! Thanks so much for reading! 🙂
Ah very inspiring and helpful tips here I hate clutter, thanks for posting 🙂
Allie of
Thank you, Allie! I truly appreciate it! 🙂
Decluttering is my WHOLE jam! I love this post + these tips!
Le Stylo Rouge
LOVE that, Ashley!! I appreciate you so much, thanks for taking the time to check out my post and comment! 🙂
I’m decluttering my life for the last few months (both material and psychological clutter), so thank you so much for this post! It was very helpful and interesting.
Lots of love ♥ January Girl
That’s wonderful, Liz! Good for you and so proud of you! 🙂 Thank you SO much for reading and I’m so happy you found it helpful!
Love this so much! One of my biggest problems has been the idea that everything has to be perfect, I’ve been working on learning to just roll with the punches this year.
Ashlee | https://www.maybeafterbrunch.com
Aww, thanks so much, Ashlee! 🙂 It’s one of my biggest struggles as well, friend. That’s all we can truly do!
These are great tips, Ashley! Creating healthy habits is such an important one as it has a positive impact on everything! Drinking more water definitely helps me feel more focused and alert. Thanks for sharing, fab post! <3 xx
Bexa | http://www.hellobexa.com
Thank you, Bexa! I truly appreciate your kind words. 🙂 I need to work on the drinking more water one!
one of my fav posts so far, Ash! I really need to remind myself to take a step back and focus sometimes. I overwhelm myself with being a people pleaser sometimes and it’s good to be reminded that my whole happiness should be a priority too.
Aww, you are too kind, Autumn! Thank you SO much! 🙂 I can completely relate as I am a fellow people-pleaser. Your happiness is so important and you deserve to do things for YOU!