How many times have you done the opposite? It’s easy to choose fear over faith when we are facing something that our mind is telling us is scary. To create a life you love, you need to learn how to choose faith over fear.
It’s important to be mindful when it comes to our thoughts. Fear is a liar, and so are our thoughts when they tell us that we can’t do something. You can do anything you set your mind to!
It’s time to train your mind to not only remember this, but to actually believe it.
1. Be a Witness to Your Thoughts
If you’ve been a reader here for a little while, you’ve probably heard me say this before. It is imperative that you learn how to become a witness to your thoughts. Not everything that circles through your mind is true.
Perfect examples of lies your mind tells you:
- I am not good enough.
- I can’t do anything.
- I’m ugly.
This won’t happen overnight, but if you trust the process, you’ll see a huge difference! Actively work on tossing these types of thoughts into your mental trash bin. You can replace those bad thoughts with good thoughts.
Each time you find yourself thinking something negative, replace it with something positive. If your mind is telling you that you can’t do something, remind yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to. It’s going to take a lot of repeating, but it will be well worth it.
You believe what you think. If you tell yourself positive, uplifting things, then that’s what you will grow to believe.
2. Focus on the Goal, Not the Outcome
When fear creeps into our minds about something, we tend to start assuming the outcome(s). This takes our mind down a dark pattern of ‘what ifs.’
Perfect examples of focusing on the outcome and not the goal:
- I’m never going to do anything right.
- What if things don’t work out?
- I should have done better.
Have you had any thoughts like this before? I have. When you focus on the outcome of a particular situation, it can cause a lot of stress. I know it can feel like you don’t actually have any other option than to listen to these negative thoughts swirling in your mind, but there is hope!
It’s not easy, but I can tell you that changing your mindset is possible. Our brains are wired to keep us safe, almost putting us in a survival mode.
While that may sound protective, it’s a little too protective. It keeps us from achieving what we are more than capable of! It tells us that because we don’t know the outcome, it must be scary and bad.
Try changing your mindset each time you face something new. Your mind will most likely go to a negative space, but turn it around and remind yourself of all the positive things that can happen.
3. Stop Being Your Worst Critic
It seems like we carry this as a positive trait. We even use this as a back-handed compliment in job interviews. It lets them know that we care about our work and will always be the hardest on ourselves to do our very best. There is an ugly side to this that is worth noting, though.
Perfect examples of how this negatively impacts you:
- You constantly worry what others think.
- You’re afraid to try because you think you’ll fail.
- If you’re not perfect, you think you’re not good enough.
These types of thoughts are a recipe for disaster. Beating yourself up will never make your life happier, or brighter.
It’s time to stop being so hard on ourselves and instead, give ourselves grace. Doesn’t that sound lovely? The types of thoughts below are not the sort that you would say to someone you love, right? So you shouldn’t say those things to yourself, either!
Be kind to YOU! Know that you are amazing and no matter the circumstances are, you’ve got this!
I truly hope that this post inspires you and helps you learn how to choose faith over fear. Let me know in the comments!
UPDATE (3/12/2020): I was hoping to get a new ‘life update’ post up this week, but life has sort of gotten in the way. 🙂 I’m giving this post a little boost today. I hope to get the new post up over the weekend. I hope you’re having the best week!
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Let’s Chat!
Do you have any tips for choosing faith over fear?
What’s holding you back from accomplishing your goals?
Are you your own worst critic?
This is definitely something that I do and that I need to work on. Thanks for the tips!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
I’m with you, Jen! You are more than welcome, and I hope you have a fantastic week!
Such an interesting read. Thanks for sharing.
Thank YOU, Candice! 🙂
These are great tips. I used to be pretty deep into meditation and it really taught us to witness out thoughts and helped give enough space to see the thought and be able to think about it rather than just reacting to it right away.
Thank you, Julie! That’s wonderful. I’ve yet to try meditating, but I’ve heard so many great things.
I definitely need to do better and work on this! Thank you for the tips. Definitely helpful!
I’m so happy you found this post helpful, Rach! 🙂 You’ve got this!
This was really helpful. Thank you
Thank you, Janet! So glad you found it helpful!
Such a motivational post, so beautiful!!
Thank you so much, Jules!!
Aw such good tips! I struggle with this all the time xx
Beauty & Colour | Vegan Fashion + Lifestyle Blog
Thank you, Caitlin! You’ve got this! 🙂
Wow I enjoyed this post. It is true that many of us would rather choose fear than faith, because the anticipation of failing makes us feel unpleasant. The negative thoughts we put into our heads is not healthy and I’m glad you took the time to share these!
Thank you so much, Robin! So happy you enjoyed this post. 🙂 I completely agree with you!
That is such a great point, to focus on the goal and not the outcome- I love that! This is such positive and inspiring advice, it can definitely be difficult when you struggle with thoughts like this which I think every one of us goes through at some point in our lives. Thank you for writing this xx
Thank you so much, Diana! I appreciate your kind words!
Fear is a liar and Faith speaks the truth. Do not believe the eyes of the enemy, instead choose God and listen to him.
You are worthy of love life and joy, love yourself, love others, go forward in faith and focus your mind on the future in a positive way because God has your back.
Laura xo
Yes, Laura, this is fantastic!! Thanks so much for sharing such a positive comment and I’m so happy you enjoyed this post! 🙂
A positive mentality can make such a big difference, that’s for sure xo
Makeup Muddle
Totally agree, friend! 😊
In strange times like this, sometimes the best thing to do is to have faith. And especially to be kind to yourself!
with love,
Bash | http://www.heybash.com/
Absolutely, Bash! Those are super important, but especially with the panic that is happening now.
Thanks for this useful post, we really need this in Italy right now.
Don’t Call Me Fashion Blogger
I can’t imagine, Selvaggia! Italy has been hit so hard with the coronavirus. Sending lots of prayers your way, and I truly hope things will get back to normal very soon for you.
It’s so true. Our thoughts are so powerful, we need to be so careful with what we think. We create our reality. It’s important to love ourself and to have faith when things seems go wrong, everything happens for a good reason but we can’t always understand it.
xx Dasynka
That’s so well-said, Dasynka! We believe what we think, so we have to be cautious and mindful of those negative ones swirling through our minds. Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
this is a great post, we all need to be doing this especially at a time like this.
ellie x // elliekblog.blogspot.co.uk
Thank you, Ellie! It is a wild time right now. I’m praying that everyone stays healthy, and we get back to normal soon.
Perfect time for this post! Observing your thoughts instead of judging is so key.
Thank you so much, Kathrine! So true. I think it’s human nature to latch on to whatever it is that we are thinking, and believing that it’s true.
Thanks for remembering this, it is so important… especially right now!
Thank you so much, Carrie! 🙂 It’s a crazy time right now, but I’m looking forward to getting back to normal and I’m sure you are, too!
Great post 😀 love it!
x, Andrea
Thank you so much, Andrea!
Great tips! We really do need to reframe how we think about things sometimes! 🙂
Hope that you are having a lovely weekend! We are having a quiet one here 🙂
Thank you so much, Mica!
I appreciate that so much. It was a nice, restful weekend. 🙂 Hope yours went well, too! 🙂
such a beautiful post! thank you for sharing
style frontier
Aww, thank you so much for reading, friend! 🙂
Such an important blog post and especially to learn this and continue to spread this wisdom to our future generations as we can save a lot of fear and win so much.
Thank you for your post.
Thank you, Nat! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting. 🙂
I love this! Especially how you showed the more positive ways to think about the same situation. It really proves how important perspective is!
Perspective truly plays a big role! Thank you so much!! 🙂
So inspiring!
X Merel
Thank you so much, Merel! 😊
This post is exactly what we need right now – some positivity and faith. Thanks for sharing these tips and changes in perspective. This is a great post! Hope you are staying safe!
Aww, thank you so much Christine! 🙂 Yes, I am staying safe. Most everything is closed down in Ohio right now, but thankfully no cases near where I live at this time. I hope you staying safe, as well!
Such a great article Ashely! Especially the mindset graphics are a good reminder, had to pin them to save them for later 🙂
Hope you have a good day and that you and your family are safe
Thank you so much, Tiziana! You are too kind. 🙂 I hope you have the best day and rest of your week, and continue to stay safe and healthy!
This is such a beautiful and inspiring read dear.
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Aww, thank you so much, Jessica! 🙂