Happy Monday, friends! I’m not sure where the weekend went, but here we are again. 😉
Today I’m sharing with you 10 Self-Imposed Limits Holding You Back: Part II. If you didn’t get a chance to read part one last week, you can check it out here!
6. Your Surroundings Are Cluttered
This one may not sound exactly like a self-imposed limit. After all, what does physical clutter have to do with keeping you from accomplishing your goals? A lot!
Just as if your mind is cluttered and you feel a mess, the same happens when your physical surroundings are a mess. You start to feel overwhelmed. You can’t find any of your important notes or scheduled appointments.
Have you ever spent an hour looking for something that should have been put away in an appropriate place? You were likely late to a place you needed to be. That almost sounds like the definition of holding you back from achieving something.
Fix: Clean off your desk. Organize all of your paperwork and file it away in a cabinet or drawer designated for important papers. Go through each room of your house and make an action plan to get each room organized.
I realize this can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve collected a bunch of items over the years…and it’s just everywhere. That’s why it’s important to break your goal of organizing your house down into smaller, more manageable goals by sectioning off each room, and creating a list of tasks for those rooms.
Then you can take your time just working off of one checklist for that specific room.
7. You Don’t Trust the Process
You’ve probably heard this phrase before, or seen it in several life-coaching pins on Pinterest. It’s a staple in our house, for the most part because of my husband’s golf career.
It’s hard to be patient and it is difficult to not get discouraged when things don’t seem to be moving as quickly as we would like. We live in a world where we want everything instantly. However, this is no way to achieve our goals.
Fix: Anything worth having is worth working for. Create a new mindset that allows you see the bigger picture, and keep track of all of the hard work you put in each day for your goal.
Look at this list at the end of the week and I can guarantee you that you will notice the progress you’re making.
It’s important to celebrate the small victories along the way to achieving our goals. This could be winning a tournament, or it could simply be placing in the top 10 of your favorite sport. You have to take the positives out of every experience and realize that as long as you’re putting in the effort, it will pay off.
We don’t always know the specific time that it will pay off, and sometimes it isn’t as quickly as we would prefer, but we have to trust the process and keep grinding.
8. You’re Not Planning
Planning can be a love/hate relationship for some us, however, it is truly essential to reaching our goals. If you’re not taking steps that will get you to your desired result, then it’s truly just a dream and can’t evolve into reality.
Fix: Grab a piece of paper and write your goal at the very top. Next, start a checklist below it with items that will help you make it happen. Keep this list where you will see it each day!
There may be times that you are unsure what the exact steps are to achieve your goal, and that’s understandable.
For those situations, I encourage you to do as much research as you can to find ways to achieve your goal, as well as to keep working on things you are sure that will help you achieve that goal.
9. You’re Not Putting in the Work
It’s really important to be sure that you are actively putting in work on your goals each day. So important that 10 self-imposed limits holding you back: part II wouldn’t be complete without this piece! This is not to say that you shouldn’t give yourself a day off or take time for self-care (these are essential too!). However, it is important that you make progress that will get you closer to your goals.
Fix: Hold yourself accountable. Use the list on the last step and be sure that you are actively working on those items.
As I mentioned in the last step, keep this list in somewhere that you’ll see it each day. You can keep it by your computer, you can even create a digital list and keep it in your phone. Truly whatever works for you that you can remain focused on your goals, and take steps to reach them.
10. You’re in a Rut
This one truly deserves its own blog post, maybe I’ll do that at another time. It’s very hard to move forward with achieving your goals if you feel like you’re somehow stuck in the exact place that you are, and there’s no way of getting out of it.
Being in a rut can range from just not feeling motivated even though there isn’t anything in particular wrong, to being depressed about losing a loved one or struggling with illness.
For the sake of this post, I am not referring to a more serious rut. I am not a doctor or mental health professional.
Speaking with someone you love or a mental health professional is always a good idea if you’re feeling depressed and/or anxiety-ridden.
Fix: Do a brain dump on a piece of paper, and try to target the source(s) that are causing you negative thoughts, feelings, or concerns.
*This “fix” is more of a beginning point for when you’re in a rut, as we all know that there are no simple fixes to getting out of a rut.
When you look at your list, try to divide these items into two categories: things you can change and things you cannot change.
For the items you can change, focus on ways that you can move yourself into a healthier place. For the items that you can’t change, such as something that’s already happened, try to work on healthy ways to bring some sort of resolve to that item in particular.
Thanks so much for reading 10 Self-imposed Limits Holding You Back: Part II! I truly hope you’ve enjoyed this two part series overall, please let me know in the comments!
For those of you who checked out last week’s post, you may remember I mentioned a health scare. I am still trying to rest as much as possible, but am overall feeling better. I was driving home last Tuesday evening and as I was turning up my hill, this sharp pain hit my head. My vision got distorted and I think I may have briefly passed out. I can remember coming back-to and another pain hit my head. All the while, I was trying to pick up my phone and call my husband. By the time I was able to make the call, I was actually pulling in our driveway.
I have no doubt God drove me home. I felt super weak afterwards and have had some headaches (not nearly as bad) off and on since then. I haven’t went to a doctor yet, but am considering it this week if the headaches don’t get any better. Thank you for all the well wishes, they mean so much to me!
Let’s Chat!
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Which one of these limits did you identify with the most?
It’s Monday! What’s one thing you would like to begin this week that would help you get closer to your goals?
Thanks for this!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
❤️ Thanks for checking it out, Jennifer!
I love this! So true, especially about the clutter. When I’m in a bad mindset, my room tends to get messier which only puts me in a worse mindset. I like your idea about breaking it down into smaller sections to get things organized.
Thanks so much, Laura! I completely understand, I have similar tendencies when I’m getting stressed. It really helps me to break things down to get my surroundings back in order.
Amazing advices here.
I’ll keep those in mind. Theses are so useful !
And this is so true to have an organized surrounding always help my mind to feel better.
Thank you so much, Margot! 🙂 Same here, my friend, it really helps me to feel more at ease and I’m able to be more productive that way.
Thanks for sharing this! I’m all about expanding my beliefs and changing my mindset because I know it all comes from our mentality!
You are so right, Mariann! Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to comment! 🙂
I totally enjoyed this post. For me I find myself not putting in the work even after I have a laid out plan already and I have figured out that I am very ok with my comfort zone that I don’t want to make a conscious effort to move aways from it.
Glowyshoe’s blog
I’m so happy you enjoyed it! 🙂 That’s completely okay! Plus, acknowledging what we are most comfortable with is very helpful. Especially if you decide to branch out of that comfort zone someday with something you’re really passionate about doing.
I found this very inspiring and helpful advice 🙂 http://www.bauchlefashion.com/2020/06/how-to-wear-vinyl-pants-like-fashion.html
Thank you so much, Heather! I’m so happy you found this helpful! 🙂
I really enjoy reading your posts and I completely agree with you.
New Post – https://www.bibliothequeduparfums.com/2020/05/summer-fragrances-2019.html
Thank you so much, you just made my day! 🙂
All of these are so helpful and so true and I have been doing a number of them like planning, doing a brain dump and decluttering and organizing. I don’t know how some people live with a lot of clutter I can stand it.
Allie of
Thank you, Allie! That is so wonderful! I am with you, friend. I can’t deal with the clutter. It starts to stress me out and before I know it, I’m just overwhelmed.
These are all amazing points. I find when I have list of things I want to get done, I’ll do it. The moment i forget to make the list, I don’t get anything done x
Thank you so much, Laura! That’s definitely understandable, I find a list helps keep me organized and I love ticking things of my lists, haha.
I should definitely plan more ahead, I’m such a spontaneous person. But sometimes I do not get all the stuff done I wanted.
xx Simone
Little Glittery Box
That’s completely understandable, Simone. I know you can do anything you set your mind to! 🙂 I admire the fact that you’re spontaneous though, I would love to adopt some of that!
More great tips! A brain dump is always good and I try to work in a clutter free zone.
Thank you, my friend! Both of those are great!! 🙂
I love these! so good and helpful! Makes me realize 🙂
Thank you so much, Christina! 🙂
I loved this post, so helpful advices. Especially with a cluttered home, I have found I can never truly relax if my environment is in a mess.
Thanks for sharing these xx
Thank you so much, Vera, I’m so happy you loved the post! 🙂 I’m with you on that note!
I am going to make a move on decluttering and organising my house because it’s certainly true
That’s awesome, Roda!
This post is great! I’m someone who is definitely influenced by her environment- which means I CANNOT work/concentrate/focus in an area that isn’t clean + free of clutter. I spend quite a bit of time here and there picking up things and returning them to their homes to keep counters + surfaces clear, and I love a good decluttering session where I clean out a closet or donate some appliances I rarely use.
Le Stylo Rouge
That’s so awesome, Ashley!! I bet that helps you so much to stay focused. I feel the same way! Thanks so much for reading! 🙂
I love the tip about getting rid of physical clutter. I have definitely noticed that when I am struggling emotionally, my space gets really cluttered because I don’t have the energy to put stuff away. As someone who really loves cleaning and organizing, I noticed that it is really important for me to have a clean space to live and work in, especially during these times in quarantine!
That’s great, Jill! I can definitely relate. Sometimes our bodies need rest though and once we are feeling better, we can get things decluttered and straightened up, and then we really start to feel better overall.
This is such a great post and I agree with every word that you wrote. Trusting the process is so important.
New Post – https://www.exclusivebeautydiary.com/2020/06/kerastase-resistance-ciment-thermique.html
Aww, thank you so much, friend! I truly appreciate you and I’m so happy you enjoyed the post! 🙂
These are good tips, although I’m a bit of a messy person so too much clutter doesn’t bother me. it deeply bothers my husband though, so it’s a compromise from us both most of the time as any time he tells me to tidy up the “messy piles” I have, I spend a fair bit of time afterwards complaining I can’t find anything, as I knew where the things were in the piles, haha! 🙂
The health scare sounds so scary – hope you do get to the doctor and get an answer for it all!
Hope you are having a lovely weekend! We had a (small, due to restrictions) party for my son’s birthday yesterday, it was really fun 🙂
Haha, that’s funny, Mica! I can understand that. I’m probably more like your husband and my husband is more like you in that respect, and we try to compromise too! 😛
Thank you SO much, friend. I’m still having some headaches here and there. I should have went to the doctor, but didn’t. 🙁 I still may go soon if the headaches don’t subside.
That sounds wonderful! I bet he was super excited! My weekend went well, I just did some cleaning and relaxed for the remainder of it.
Awesome tips, I can’t concentrate if there is too much clutter.
Thank you, Lovely! I’m right there with you!
I am for sure guilty of some of these. Finding a rhythym has been so hard lately, but I am totally going to try some of your solutions. Thanks for sharing!
Ashlee | https://www.maybeafterbrunch.com
Aww, thanks so much for reading, Ashlee! 🙂 That’s more than understandable, especially because of the virus. I think it’s thrown all of us off from our normal routines. It certainly has shaken up mine.
I think admitting these self imposed limits is the hardest! This post was very inspiring and motivating!
lots of love, Miri
Sometimes, it is, my friend! Once we acknowledge them, we can put in the work and make a difference though. 🙂 Thanks so much for reading!!
These are really great tips! I have been actively decluttering as I really can’t stand being in a cluttered environment!
Julia x
That’s wonderful, Julia! Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to write a comment! 🙂
These are such great tips! Especially noteworthy since we are living in such hard times. Thank you for being such a ray of sunshine!
Hoping you are doing well during the COVID-19! Be well and stay safe!
Aww, thank you so much, Vanessa! You just made my day so much brighter! 🙂 I’m doing well, my friend, thank you so much. I hope all is well with you, too!